Book of abstracts is now available.
Download the book (PDF format) here. (Size: 15.5MB, 2011/7/6)
Final Announcement for Attending the Conference
- [See Here] Presentation Program has had minor changes. Please check it.
- [See Here] Please download the book of abstracts from here in advance. The book of abstracts is published only on the Internet.
- [See Here] "Way to EASIAM2011" has been updated.
- [See Here] Early registration at conference hotel will open on 26th.
- [See Here] Payment of registration fee is only acceptable by Japanese Yen in cash on site.
- [See Here] Free shuttle buses will be available.
- [See Here] Tasty lunches and dinners will be served during the conference. Don't miss them !!
Scope and Topics

The 7th East Asia SIAM Conference & RIMS Workshop on Methods in Industrial and Applied Mathematics
will be held at Nishi-Waseda Campus, Kitakyushu Campus, Waseda University, Japan.
The EASIAM conference gathers researchers in applied mathematics with respect to science, engineering and technology. The scope of the EASIAM conference covers all aspects of applied mathematics to science, industry, engineering and technology in the East and South East Asia. Previous EASIAM meetings were held in Hong Kong (1st), Sapporo (2nd), Xiamen (3rd), Daejeon (4th), Brunei (5th) and Kuala Lumpur (6th). EASIAM is a section of Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). It promotes basic research and education in mathematics, which supports science and technology.

Topics of interest
- Applications of partial differential equations
- Applied and numerical linear algebra
- Fluid mechanics
- Mathematical analysis of engineering problems
- Mathematical aspects of geophysical problems
- Mathematical biology and/or medicine
- Mathematics of material sciences
- Numerical analysis
- Operations research
- Optimization
SIAM Keynote Speakers
- Mitchell Luskin (University of Minnesota, USA)
- Andrea Bertozzi (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Invited Speakers
- Ji Hui (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
- Yasumasa Nishiura (Hokkaido University, Japan)
- Tony Wen-Hann Sheu (National Taiwan University, Republic of China)
- Roslinda Nazar (National University of Malaysia, Malaysia)
- Eun-Jae Park (Yonsei University, Korea)

Scientific Committee
- Victor Didenko (Universiti Brunei Darussalam)
- Zhong-Ci Shi (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Tao Tang (Hong Kong Baptist University)
- Wai-Ki Ching (University of Hong Kong)
- L.H. Wiryanto (Bandung Institute of Technology)
- Hendra Gunawan (Bandung Institute of Technology)
- Hisashi Okamoto (Kyoto University)
- Shao Liang Zhang (Nagoya University)
- Dongwoo Sheen (Seoul National University)
- Hyung-Chun Lee (Ajou University)
- Byeong-Chun Shin (Chonnam National University)
- Xiao-Qing Jin (University of Macau)
- Haiwei Sun (University of Macau)
- Mohd Omar (University of Malaya)
- Abdul Rahni (Universiti Sains Malaysia)
- Rafael P. Saldana (Ateneo de Manila University)
- Weizhu Bao (National University of Singapore)
- Zuowei Shen (National University of Singapore)
- Ming-Chih Lai (National Chiao Tung University)
- I-Liang Chern (National Taiwan University)
- Yongwimon Lenbury (Mahidol Univeristy)
- Pham Ky Anh (Vietnam National University)
- Nguyen Van Huu (Hanoi University of Science)

Program (Overview & Latest Version(6/22))
EASIAM Student Paper Prize
The EASIAM (East Asia section of Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics) Student Paper Prizes are awarded every year to the student author(s) of the most outstanding paper(s) submitted to the EASIAM Student Paper Competition. This award is based solely on the merit and content of the student's contribution to the submitted paper. The purpose of the Student Paper Prizes is to recognize outstanding scholarship by students in applied mathematics and/or computing. Therefore any paper, already printed in a journal or yet to be submitted, can be submitted. A paper which was already awarded by EASIAM student paper prize is not accepted. A paper which was submitted previously to EASIAM student paper prize but was unsuccessful can be submitted again, if the criteria on the author's student status are satisfied.
All the students are welcome in regular participation and they can present their papers in the EASIAM conference, irrespective of the consequence of the competition.
See the flier for details: Flier.
Paper Submission
The authors should submit their 2 page extended abstract which should be the LaTeX source file together with PDF file or Microsoft Word file. The authors should use the provided template LaTeX file or Word file for your submission. You can download them as below.
Template files:
- Latex file
- Word file
- PDF file (Sample)
The authors should submit their extended abstract in our Registration page.
E-mail submission is not acceptable.
( For people who has problem in accessing the Registration page, please try to use web proxy.)
If you have any question or encounter any problem in registration, please contact us.
Important dates
- Deadline of abstract submission:
March 15th, 2011April 15th, 2011. (Closed) - Notification of abstract acceptance:
April 1st, 2011April 22nd, 2011. (Closed) - Deadline of early bird registration:
March 15th, 2011April 25th, 2011. (Closed) - Deadline of conference registration:
May 15th, 2011. (Closed)
Registration and fees
Registration page is now available. ( Visit the page by web proxy. )
Fees (include lunches, coffee breaks and banquette):
Early (~April 25th) | Late (~May 15th) | |
General | 18,000 JPY | 20,000 JPY |
Student | 15,000 JPY | 16,000 JPY |
*From Developing Countries | 15,000 JPY | 16,000 JPY |
*Refer to page of SIAM for the definition of developing countries.
Payment of fee is acceptable only on the registration desk during the conference (and Japanese Yen only).
Invitation letters for authors of accepted extended abstracts
If your extended abstract has been accepted, you may request an official acceptance notification letter. The letter will be sent by email in PDF format to any author of any accepted extended abstract.
Proceed to the Official Acceptance Letter Request form in our Registration page.
Local Organization
- Shin'ichi Oishi (Chair, Waseda University)
- Takeshi Ogita (Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
- Katsuhisa Ozaki (Shibaura Institute of Technology)
- Xuefeng Liu (Waseda University)
- Naoya Yamanaka (Waseda University)
- Akitoshi Takayasu (Waseda University)
Contact: easiam2011@oishi.info.waseda.ac.jp
Surface address:
63 building, room 419.
Okubo 3-4-1, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan, 169-8555.
All photos by N. Yamanaka.
- Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Waseda University
- Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University
- Numerical Analysis Group, Department of Computational Science and Engineering, Nagoya University
- Kitakyushu City
- West Japan Industry and Trade Convention Association