

第1回 レポートの問題

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. W. Schwarz October 9, 2001

Department of Information and Computer Science Waseda University Problems to solve until Wednesday, October 17

Please provide the solutions on one single sheet. Thank you.

1. A car (mass m = 800kg) under the influence of a driving force F is considered as a system. The input is the force F, the output is the velocity v of the car.

a) Determine the input-output relation of the system, i.e. find a formula that connects v and F.

b) Is the system static or dynamic ?

c) Is the system linear ?

d) Calculate and plot the velocity v(t) versus time for the force-time function depicted.

2. A discrete-time system is given by the difference equation y(n+1) = ay(n) + x(n). Find a general expression for y(n) for an arbitrary input sequence x(n) and initial value y(0).

Hint: Start with y(0) and subsequently calculate y(1), y(2),... using the difference equation.

3. A contiunuous-time system is described by the ODE


Find y(t) for an arbitrary x(t) and an initial condition x(0).

第3回 レポートの問題

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. W. Schwarz October 9, 2001

Department of Information and Computer Science Waseda University Problems to solve until Wednesday, October 24

Please provide the solutions on one single sheet. Thank you.

1. The picture shows a simplified car spring system. Input is the street level x, output the car body position y.

a) Determine the input-output relation of the system, i.e. find the ODE which connects y and x .

b) Calculate and plot the step an the impulse response of the system.

c) Formulate the general input-output relation.

2. A discrete-time system has the step response s(n) = n 1(n).

a) Find the impulse rsponse.

b) Determine the response y(n) to the signal Plot both x(n) and y(n).

第4回 レポートの問題


  1. f(x)=x(-\pi <= x < \pi)をf(x+2\pi) = f(x)によって周期2\piの関数に拡張した関数
  2. f(x)=|sin x|



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最終更新 2002/2/16

©Oishi Shin'ichi

URI: http://www.oishi.info.waseda.ac.jp/~oishi/phy2/phy2.htm